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■ 大会情報第24回日本行動科学学会年次大会のご案内大会長 内山 伊知郎(同志社大学) 本年の年次大会は、7月に横浜で開催されるICP2016において学会企画招待シンポジウムとして実施することとなりました。発達的な視点から行動の意義を論じる内容のシンポジウムとなります。サンフランシスコ州立大学教授でリハビリテーションが専門のアンダーソン先生に企画をお引き受けいただいています。また、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校教授で、乳児研究で造詣の深いキャンポス先生に話題提供をお願いしております。下記のように乳児期の行動発達の役割に関する研究に焦点があてられます。皆様、ご参加をいただきますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。 Invited symposium 日本行動科学学会企画シンポジウム ●企画者 David, I. Anderson (Professor of San Francisco State University) ●タイトル The Role of Motor Activity in Psychological Development (Symposium sponsored by the Japanese Association of Behavioral Science) ●アブストラクト This proposal deals with a classic theme in behavioral science: the role of motor activity in psychological development. Self-controlled activity has been deemed important for psychological development by nearly every theoretical tradition in developmental psychology. Some of the best evidence to support this idea comes from research on the psychological revolution that occurs shortly after infants start to crawl. The onset of self-produced locomotion heralds a pervasive set of changes in perceptual, cognitive, emotional, and social skills that have crucial biological adaptive significance. The purpose of the current thematic session is to highlight some of the recent attempts to extend this important line of inquiry. Four presentations reveal the remarkable diversity and innovation of approaches currently being used to study the role of locomotor experience in psychological development and the rich implications this work has for developmental theory and clinical practice. This symposium is supported by Japanese Association of Behavioral Science. プログラム番号:SPS-16 Developmental 日時:Friday, July 29, 08:30 - 10:30 場所:Conference Center 3F 301 演題及び発表者: The Role of Agency and Attention in Infant Psychological Development Anderson, David I (United States of America) Crawling Experience Sensitizes Infants to Visual Proprioception Specifying a Sudden Drop Ueno, Moeko (Japan); Uchiyama, Ichiro Waking Onset Creates Major Psychological Changes in Infants Campos, Joseph (United States of America); He, Minxuan